We are proud to announce that four of our students have earned fellowships for the 2022-2023 school year.

Krishnakant Saboo has received the Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship. This fellowship selection is based on the significance of the research, the student’s productivity and efficient progress toward the degree, and the likelihood that the student will defend and deposit the dissertation by August 2023. In addition to his obvious academic strengths, his advisor, Prof. Ravi Iyer, says, “he has demonstrated initiative, strong motivation, leadership strengths, and first-rate teamwork skills – all critical for an influential researcher. Indeed, the University has recognized his outstanding merit with several awards on campus, including the Elsa and Floyd Dunn Award, the Paul D. Doolen Graduate Scholarship for the Study of Aging, and the outstanding teaching assistant award, as well as the Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship that recognizes the next generation of great engineering faculty.” Please visit https://apps.grad.illinois.edu/fellowship-finder/?action=main.fellowship&fid=2807 for more information regarding the Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship.

Archit Patke, fourth year Ph.D. student, has been selected as a Rambus Computer Engineering Fellowship recipient. The Rambus Computer Engineering Fellowship was established in 1999 to recognize a graduate student in the Computer Engineering Area for outstanding research. “Archit’s expertise is in computing systems and networks, but his strong theoretical background and an unusual flair for real implementations, measurements, and modeling set him apart,” says his advisor, Prof. Ravi Iyer. To learn more about the Rambus Computer Engineering Fellowship, please visit https://ece.illinois.edu/academics/grad/fellowships/rambus.

The ECE department has picked Yurui Cao (third year Ph.D. student) for the Yunni & Maxine Pao Memorial Fellowship this year. This fellowship is awarded to high-achieving students from the United States or Hong Kong who have at least one parent from China. Prof. Ravi Iyer says this about Yurui “she has a demonstrated the ability to examine and study problems from different perspectives and identify new challenges in unique areas. Moreover, she combines a keen intellect with persistence in problem-solving – a rare talent.” For more information, visit https://wiki.illinois.edu/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=752517579.

The ECE department has chosen Harshitha Sreejith (second year Ph.D. student) for the James M. Henderson Fellowship. Established in 1999, the fellowship recognizes an outstanding first-year graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering based upon the nominee’s undergraduate academic achievement and leadership in activities or research as an undergraduate. Her advisor Prof. Ravi Iyer has this to say “while Harshitha is new to our team, I already see her capabilities in addressing complex problems, and I have very high expectations for her future work. She is a quick learner who has shown significant promise.” To learn more about the James M. Henderson Fellowship, please visit https://ece.illinois.edu/academics/grad/fellowships/henderson.