The University of Illinois has received funding for a new research program in Singapore – the CREATE Programme for a Trustworthy and Secure Cyber-Plexus (TSCP). The new initiative will work to make information systems both trustworthy, meaning it behaves as expected even during disruptions, and secure, or hardened against malicious attacks.
TSCP is funded for five years by Singapore’s National Research Foundation and will focus on four main thrusts, primarily as they relate to the power grid: system architecture and the organization of trustworthy and secure cybersecurity components and their interactions; development of new hardware, software, protocols and applications; standards, verification and validation of components; and methodologies and tools to continuously monitor, detect and react to problems in real-time.
The TSCP CREATE Programme will be led by David M. Nicol, the Franklin W. Woeltge Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the Information Trust Institute. Zbigniew T Kalbarczyk, a research professor of electrical and computer engineering in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, will share the leadership role.